Privacy and Reservation Policies

This Privacy Notice (hereinafter referred to as the “Privacy Policy”) is effective upon acceptance by new users and is effective as of June 1, 2022. The privacy of user information is very important to Sakura Spa. It is for this reason that precautions are taken to protect your information, using the most complete and effective computer security mechanisms for information protection. Data Controllers and Confidentiality

Policies reservation policies (Important)

  • Payment and Reservation Confirmation:

    • To guarantee the reservation of your site, full payment is required within a maximum period of 24 hours after the reservation is made (including Saturdays and Sundays).
    • A secure payment link will be provided with the reservation details.
    • If payment is not received within the specified period, the reservation will be automatically cancelled and the site will be assigned to another person.
  • Cancellation Policy:

    • All reservations are final once payment is made.
    • No refunds are offered for cancellations made after the 48-hour period.
    • Changes to treatment appointments can only be made with 24 hours notice prior to the scheduled date. If this requirement is not met, a fee of 50% of the cost of treatment will be applied without exception.
  • Refunds and Date Changes:

    • Once payment of 50% of the cost of treatment has been made, no refunds will be possible.
    • You have the option to reschedule your appointment within a maximum period of 3 months from the originally scheduled date.
  • Site Assignment:

    • Sites will be assigned on a first-come, first-served basis.
    • If payment is not received within the specified period, the reserved place will be released and assigned to another person.
  • Client’s Responsibility:

    • It is the customer’s responsibility to ensure that payment is completed within the specified period to guarantee the reservation of their desired site.
    • The site administration is not responsible for the loss of the reservation due to late or missed payments.

Data Controllers

Sakura Spa (hereinafter “Sakura Spa” and/or the “Responsible for the Processing of Personal Data”) With the customer service department ([email protected]) and/or the office number (56) 11707241 where all data and information are collected from the website Where all privacy and customer service cases will be handled.

The information we collect

We may request, collect and store the following Personal Information: name, physical contact information (such as phone number, address, e-mail, etc.). The information Sakura Spa obtains from these entities will be treated confidentially. The User who registers with Sakura Spa through its site and expressly consents that Sakura Spa: – has access, at any time, to all the information contained in his Personal Account, including in particular, but without limitation, to his Personal Information, information about his interests, tastes, contacts and any other content in our database; – includes in such account, messages, photographs, videos and any other content; Sakura Spa automatically collects and stores certain information about the activity of users and visitors within its website. Such information may include the URL they came from (whether or not they are on our Web site), what URL they go to next (whether or not they are on our Web site), what browser they are using, and their IP addresses. Also pages visited, searches performed, publications, purchases or contact, ratings and replies entered, messages in the forums, among other information may be stored and retained. If users send us correspondence, whether e-mails or letters, or if other users or third parties send us correspondence about other users’ activities or messages on our site, we may collect and store such Personal Information, including e-mail addresses. The following information may be collected through the Web site:
Company Name
Exterior Number
Inside Number
Zip Code
E-mail address
Company name
Access Password

Use we make of the information

In order to provide excellent service and to allow users to perform transactions in a fast and secure way, Sakura Spa requires certain personal information, including e-mail address. Collecting information allows us to provide users with services and features that better suit their needs and to customize our services to make their experiences with Sakura Spa as comfortable as possible. The Personal Information we collect has the following purposes: – To help the user and service provider to enter in direct contact in the corresponding opportunity according to the modality of the purchase. In this case, Sakura Spa will provide the interested parties with their personal data (name, telephone numbers and e-mail address) via e-mail or through the site. – To improve our commercial and promotional initiatives and to analyze the pages visited and the searches made by users, to improve our offer of contents and articles, to personalize such contents, their presentation and services.

Confidentiality of information

Once registered in its Web site, Sakura Spa will not sell, rent or share Personal Information except as set forth in these policies. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the user expressly consents to Sakura Spa transferring all or part of the Personal Information to any of the companies controlled, controlling and/or related to Sakura Spa, at any time, in the manner and under the conditions it deems appropriate. We will do everything in our power to protect the privacy of your information. It may happen that by virtue of court orders, or legal regulations, we are compelled to disclose information to authorities or third parties under certain circumstances, or in cases where third parties may intercept or access certain information or data transmissions in which case Sakura Spa will not be liable for the information that is disclosed.


Our services are only available to those who have legal capacity to contract. Therefore, those who do not comply with this condition should refrain from providing personal information to be included in our databases. However, they may do so through parents or guardians.


The user and visitor of the Sakura Spa website knows and accepts that Sakura Spa may use a tracking system through the use of cookies (the “Cookies”). Cookies are small files that are installed on the hard disk, with a limited duration in time that help to personalize the services. We also offer certain features that are only available through the use of Cookies. Cookies are used to understand the interests, behavior and demographics of visitors to or users of our Web Site in order to better understand your needs and interests and to better serve or provide you with related information. We will also use the information obtained through Cookies to analyze the pages navigated by the visitor or user, the searches performed, improve our commercial and promotional initiatives, show advertising or promotions, banners of interest, news about Sakura Spa, improve our offer of contents and articles, personalize such contents, presentation and services; we may also use Cookies to promote and enforce the rules and security of the site. Sakura Spa may add Cookies in the e-mails it sends to measure the effectiveness of promotions. It is established that the installation, permanence and existence of the Cookies in the user’s computer depends on his exclusive will and can be eliminated from his computer when the user so wishes. To find out how to remove Cookies from your system, you need to check the Help section of your browser. In addition, you may encounter Cookies or other similar systems installed by third parties on certain pages of our Web site. For example, when browsing a page created by a user, there may be a Cookie placed on that page. It is expressly clarified that this policy covers the use of Cookies by this site and not the use of Cookies by advertisers. We do not control the use of Cookies by third parties. In addition, Sakura Spa and its users do not accept “spamming” or unsolicited e-mails. Therefore, it is absolutely forbidden to use the Send this article to a friend service for spamming purposes, or the indiscriminate sending of messages of any nature by e-mail, for any purpose whatsoever. Please do not send such messages to those who ask you to do so. Sakura Spa may suspend or permanently disable those users who use this service for the purpose of promoting their items for sale or any other purpose other than that provided for by this service and who are reported by those who receive such messages.

Order of Competent Authorities – Legal Requirements

Sakura Spa cooperates with the competent authorities and other third parties to ensure compliance with laws, for example regarding the protection of industrial and intellectual property rights, fraud prevention and other matters. Sakura Spa may disclose the Personal Information of its users at the request of the competent judicial or governmental authorities for the purposes of investigations conducted by them, even if there is no executive or judicial order or subpoena, or for example (and without limitation to this case) when it comes to criminal investigations or fraud or those related to hacking or copyright infringement. In such situations, Sakura Spa will cooperate with the competent authorities in order to safeguard the integrity and security of the Community and its users. Sakura Spa may (and users expressly authorize us to) disclose any Personal Information about its users for the purpose of complying with applicable law and cooperating with law enforcement authorities to the extent we deem necessary and appropriate in connection with any investigation of wrongdoing or fraud, infringement of intellectual property rights, or other activity that is illegal or that may expose Sakura Spa or its users to any legal liability. In addition, we may (and users expressly authorize us to) communicate their full name, pseudonym, address, city, region, zip code, country, telephone number, e-mail address, etc. to participants in the Sakura Spa Intellectual Property Protection Program as we, in our sole discretion, deem necessary or appropriate in connection with the investigation of fraud, intellectual property infringement, piracy, or any other illegal activity. This right will be exercised by Sakura Spa for the purpose of cooperating with law enforcement and compliance, regardless of whether there is a judicial or administrative order to that effect. In addition, Sakura Spa reserves the right (and you expressly authorize us to do so) to communicate information about its users to other users, entities or third parties when there are sufficient grounds to believe that a user’s activity is suspected of attempting or committing a crime or attempting to harm others. This right will be used by Sakura Spa in its sole discretion when deemed appropriate or necessary to maintain the integrity and security of the Community and that of its users, to enforce the General Terms and Conditions and other Site Policies and for the purpose of cooperating with law enforcement and compliance with the law. This right will be exercised by Sakura Spa regardless of the absence of a judicial or administrative order to that effect.

Security. Information storage

Sakura Spa is obliged to comply with all applicable regulations regarding security measures applicable to Personal Information. In addition, Sakura Spa uses industry standards to protect the confidentiality of your Personal Information, including, among other measures, firewalls and Secure Socket Layers (“SSL”). Sakura Spa considers its users’ data as an asset that must be protected from any loss or unauthorized access. We employ various security techniques to protect such data from unauthorized access by users inside or outside our company. However, it is necessary to keep in mind that perfect security does not exist on the Internet. Therefore, Sakura Spa is not responsible for illegal interceptions or violation of its systems or databases by unauthorized persons. Sakura Spa is not responsible for the improper use of the information obtained by these means. All personal data of users will be stored in an automated personal data file. Sakura Spa’s user’s Personal Data file resides in the USA. The user by registering with Sakura Spa confirms that he/she is informed of the residence of this file and authorizes this international transfer of his/her data.